semantic relation การใช้
- These semantic relations hold among all members of the linked synsets.
- Some semantic relations between these synsets are meronymy, hyponymy, synonymy and antonymy.
- The semantic relations between symbols can be " imitated " by their syntactic relations.
- In this case, the preposition avec is used to express the comitative semantic relation.
- SKOS semantic relations are intended to provide ways to declare relationships between concepts within a concept scheme.
- Each mapping element is attached with a semantic relation, for example " equivalence ".
- This is not done by a deep structure representations ( the core semantic relations of the sentence ).
- An associated concept is that of noun-modifier semantic relations, wherein certain word pairings have a standard interpretation.
- The comitative case is an expression of the comitative semantic relation through inflectional affixation, by prefixes, suffixes and circumfixes.
- Adpositions can be used to express a wide range of semantic relations between their complement and the rest of the context.
- The principal element categories of SKOS are concepts, labels, notations, semantic relations, mapping properties, and collections.
- Their interpretation remains obscure : an etymological and semantic relation to IE root * cer, meaning growth, is possible though problematic and debated.
- The representations in skip-gram models have the distinct characteristic that they model semantic relations between words as linear combinations, capturing a form of compositionality.
- Since lexicology studies the meaning of words and their semantic relations, it often explores the origin and history of a word, i . e . its etymology.
- According to Kiparsky and Staal they are the underlying relations of deep structure, belonging to a level intermediate between the level of semantic relations and the level of surface structure.
- Neither a SKOS Concept nor a ConceptScheme may be a Collection, nor vice versa; and SKOS semantic relations can only be used with a Concept ( not a Collection ).
- In this three-dimensional model, each intersection of the three dimensions represents as a unique intellectual ability, such as comprehension of semantic relations; that is, understanding analogies.
- This means that the specificity effects for various disorders may be largely attributable to the semantic relation of the words to the concerns of the disorder, rather than simply the emotionality of the words.
- Aggegration decisions certainly depend on the semantic relations between the constituents, as mentioned above; they also depend on the genre ( e . g ., bureaucratic texts tend to be more aggregated than instruction manuals ).
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